In today's episode, I want to spend a little bit more time giving you some tools on how to take some steps to do this. If you're anything like me or how I used to be, you are nonstop. Go, go, go high achiever doer. There's always something else to get added to the do list. Maybe you're a mom, a dad, a caregiver, a parent, a partner, business owners, a leader in your organization, whatever that looks like, you probably have this drive and this belief that you need to do more to get more.
I'm here to kind of break that apart a little bit. Now, don't get me wrong, don't take it the wrong way I'm not going to tell you that you get to just lay around and think through everything that you want to happen and it'll magically happen. I used to have a really hard time with the concept of manifestation and that word out there.
It was also because I really didn't understand what it was and if you are someone who practices manifestation or is a little bit more familiar with the pieces of it, a big part of it is thinking and believing about what you want, but then also taking aligned action to create it. I think that there are a lot of people and profiles out on the internet right now preaching, this idea of going from one extreme to the other.
Even looking at these concepts of masculine and feminine energy, instead of being a doer and high achiever, you go to that other end of everything's just flow and intuitive and it just happens for you and I don't really agree with either of those. I think it's a whole lot of in-between. I think it's a whole lot of both and to unhook from what we've learned as high achievers, go-getters, caretakers, nonstop doers, we have to re-pattern ourselves a little bit. First and foremost, we have to buy into this idea that prioritizing ourselves and prioritizing our joy, IS possible and is needed.